I'm Back!!!! Many, many "I'm sorrys" for being gone sooooo long!!!! To make it up to you here's a giveaway!!!!!

For the Crocheters among us..... this book. It has tons of information about how to change any knitted pattern into crochet!! Just leave me a comment and put Crochet as the first word!!! (Make sure I have either your Ravelry name or your email!!)

This is for the Knitters among us!! Just leave a comment with Knitter as the first word!!!
On June 1 I'll draw (yes, the old fashioned way, I put the numbers on paper and put them in a bowl and let the DH draw!!!!) and let some lucky persons know that their book will be on it's way!!!

This is my new computer, sewing room. It's supposed to be a bedroom (it would make a good closet!!!)!! It gives me plenty of room for just getting away and working (yeah, right, crusing Ravelry, playing games, reading emails, reading blogs!! LOL!!!) Working is going to be high on my to do list though!!! I've got some designs rattling around in my head right now!!! I will be finishing the pillow ghan, too!!! I'm again sorry about being sooooo slow!!!

This was the view from our front porch the other night. It's not a blue moon, but I enjoyed it!! The porch is a good place to escape to. (as long as you have at least one dryer sheet in your pocket to get the mosquitos to leave you alone!!! Here in Texas they tend to be large and vicious!!!!)

Last, but definately not least!!! This is why I'm not getting a whole lot done!!! You remember that I had to put my old dog, Shaggy, to sleep in Feb?? Well my DD's border collie had been spending some time with us just before that and I got a phone call in March!!! Meet Shaggy Jr!!!! The old boy had one last fling and here is Shaggy's son!!! He's his Daddy made over and quiet a handful!!!! We're having a bit of an issue with potty training..... or at least I am!!! He's not having a bit of trouble... he just goes when and where he wants to!!! ARGHHHHH!!!! I don't know which one of us is being house broken, but we're certainlly working hard at it!!! LOL!!!
Again I'm sorry I've been away soooooooo long!!!
:D CArla