Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Catching Up

PI Sweater Long Way
PI Sweater Short Way

Just a few pictures of what I've been up to!!  As you can tell I'm still stuck on the PI!!  This center has got me addicted and I mean badly!!  I seem to want to add it to everything that I knit nowdays!!!  The top photo is a baby blanket that I've done for a friend of the DH's at church.  Hope she likes it!!

I've also managed to snag some prizes from Seasons of  Lace this spring!!  I can't wait to see what they look like, up close and personal!!!  I've got stitch markers that are on a necklace coming from Prolonged Sunlight  and can't wait to see them!!!
And I've got yarn coming from Jimmy Beans Wool!!!!!  How cool is all of that!!!!

I've been doing some samples for the LYS, Wool and Cotton Shop and have been giving classes there!!! The PI Sweater is for there and it's going to be in pattern form soon!!   It's a pretty cool place to hang out!!! LOL!!!!

:D Carla


SusanB-knits said...

Beautiful!! I love the pi sweater. Can't wait for the pattern!!! L-o-v-e it! (can you tell I like it?!)

Bea said...

Um, I think *drool* just about covers it. Your knitting is just amazing!!